Tuesday, November 5, 2013

First Sketches for Rosa's Farming Goods

Rough Logo

I have started working on some of the elements of the new image I am working on for Rosa's Farming Goods. I want a look that is home made but modern looking. Something fun that doesn't take it's personality to serious just like Rosa and Evelyn. Above I have a first round turn out of a potential identity mark. 


I would like to keep sketching and see where the inspiration I have gotten from the personality of this stand has given me. 

1 comment:

  1. This is great!! I am always so intrigued with people who have an artistic eye and can produce things like this. I think it is GREAT that you are helping them out with designing a logo and I think that your first go at it is pretty darn good! I think that it looks home made but in a modern way so good job! I can't wait to see the final product and the other sketches along the way!
